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Congratulations on your paper publication! Click below to see the PDF.★Gando S, Shiraishi A, Yamakawa K, Ogura H, Saitoh D, Fujishima S, Mayumi T, Kushimoto S, Abe T, Shiino Y, Nakada TA, Tarui T, Hifumi T, Otomo Y, Okamoto K, Umemura Y, Kotani J, Sakamoto Y, Sasaki J, Shiraishi SI, Takuma K, Tsuruta R, Hagiwara A, Masuno T, Takeyama N, Yamashita N, Ikeda H, Ueyama M, Fujimi S; Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) Focused Outcomes Research in Emergency Care in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis and Trauma (FORECAST) Study Group. Role of disseminated intravascular coagulation in severe sepsis. Thromb Res. 2019 Apr 26;178:182-188. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2019.04.025.


