
★客員教授 阿部智一先生の論文が Ped Critical Care Med に受理されました。Abe T, Aoki M, Deshpande G, Sugiyama T, Iwagami M, Uchida M, Nagata I, Saitoh D, Tamiya N. Is Whole-Body Computed Tomography Associated with Reduced In-Hospital Mortality in Children with Trauma? A Nationwide Study, Ped Critical Care Med, accepted 2019
★客員教授 阿部智一先生の論文が Critical Care Med に受理されました。Kushimoto S, Abe T, Ogura H, Shiraishi A, Saitoh D, Fujishima S, Mayumi T, Hifumi T, Shiino Y, Nakada T, Tarui T, Otomo Y, Okamoto K, Umemura Y, Kotani J, Sakamoto Y, Sasaki J, Shiraishi S, Takuma K, Tsuruta R, Hagiwara A, Yamakawa K, Masuno T, Takeyama N, Yamashita N, Ikeda H, Ueyama M, Fujimi S, Gando S, JAAM FORECAST group. Relationship between body temperature abnormalities and clinical characteristics, implementation of sepsis bundle, and outcomes in patients with severe sepsis: a retrospective sub-analysis of the FORECAST study, Critical Care Med, accepted 2019


